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Robert Scott, formerly of the popping duo the Scott Brothers, is described as a robotic cartoon, combining elements of popping, robotics, mime, animation, the behavior of water, isolations and point perspective. He has performed for over 30 years, beginning at San Diego Sea World's City Streets in 1986 and ending at Bally's Jubilee in Las Vegas in 2016, with a near endless amount of appearances in production shows, tv, commercials, music videos, conventions, dinner shows, night clubs, sporting events etc.... until his brother retired, yet he continued to perform at Cosmopolitan's Rose Rabbit Lie where he created new material for his evolving solo act. 


As a teacher, his philosophy is this: slow and steady. Through his class choreography, he instills control, focus and economy of movement, sacrificing energy for precision and trends for originality to create a subtle and unique style he dubs…

'the Ballet of Street Dance'

Robert Scott

Meet Your

ViA Dance Instructor!


'the Ballet of Street Dance'

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